April 1990, on Deng Yihui is important day. Dawn of the computer network he set up a corporation.
Deng Yihui system rented three buildings to office, equipped with telephone, with 5,000 to buy the old people used office furniture, brought in five or six young men one after another, propped up the party days. Deng Yihui first OK to Novell networks mainly because of his rigorous training in foreign companies through Novell. In 1990 Dawn became the company duly authorized Novell distribution service center, and become the first agency in China. In computer network engineering, he established three directions: First, the network of Chinese environment; second character communication system for remote network; third network interconnection with minicomputers and mainframes. He and his colleagues continue to study after repeated experiments, and finally took the lead in the successful development of the "Dawn character shared network operating system" to solve the diskless workstation card but can not Han Dynasty in Chinese characters are used under the network environment to share problems, solutions Chinese high-speed remote network communication problems, but also realized the minicomputer network services, network size as the expansion of the problem.
June 1990, a manifestation of Deng Yihui of the advance design consciousness and opportunities coming up: the establishment of new China's first stock exchange soon. Instructions of the State Council, Shanghai Stock Exchange to adopt international practices as far as possible, the starting point must be high, accomplishing one with Chinese characteristics and international advanced level of socialist Stock Exchange. This fledgling securities industry in China, the starting point would be too great. Responsible for leading this work and expert burning with impatience. They looked at several prestigious universities in Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences of the computer companies are avoiding the need to not take this responsibility; they help some of the world's leading computer company, but the reply was, "China is in the short term the use of computer systems to the use of securities transaction is not possible, the Hong Kong securities industry today, only the computer display market, the transaction still manual. "
Early in August, was invited to fly to Shanghai Deng Yihui, after 36 hours of study later, he made use of new computer network to achieve the Securities and Exchange of design.浠栬秴鍓嶇殑璁捐鏋勬兂涓庝笂浜ゆ墍棰嗗鐨勮姹備竴鎷嶅嵆鍚堬紝姝ゅ悗锛戯紣澶╁唴绛捐浜嗭紬锛愬ぉ鍐呭畬鎴愮數鑴戣嚜鍔ㄦ挳鍚堜氦鏄撶殑璇佸埜浜ゆ槗鐢佃剳缃戠粶绯荤粺鍚堝悓銆傛湁鐫?己鐑堣璁℃鏈涘拰鑳藉姏鐨勯倱涓?緣甯﹂鍏徃鐨勶紩涓勾杞讳汉锛屽紑濮嬩簡涓栫晫璇佸埜浜ゆ槗鍙蹭笂绗竴涓數鑴戠綉缁滅郴缁熺殑寮?彂璁捐鍜屽畨瑁呰皟璇曘?浠栦竴澶存墤杩涗簡浜ゆ槗鎵?椃鐑毦鐔殑鏈烘埧锛屼竴韫插氨鏄袱涓鏈堛? 锛戯紮锛欙紣骞达紤锛掓湀锛戯紮鏃ワ紝鑰冮獙閭撲竴杈変笌鍚屼簨鐨勫叧閿椂鍒诲埌浜嗐?涓婁氦鎵?寮?amp;quot;璇炵敓"寮?笟銆傚浗瀹剁殑鏈夊叧棰嗗浜哄拰鍑犲崄涓鍥借瘉鍒歌涓氱殑涓撳鍜屼紬澶氱殑鑲℃皯锛岄兘灞忕闈欐皵鍦扮洴鐫?繖鍏抽敭鐨勬椂鍒汇?寮?競鐨勯挓澹版暡鍝嶏紝浜ゆ槗澶у巺鍙惉瑙佺數鑴戠殑閿洏鏁插嚮澹般?瀹炴椂鎴愪氦绾綍鐨勬墦鍗板0浠ュ強璁拌?鐨勭収鐩告満蹇棬澹般?杩欐椂閭撲竴杈夊拰鍚屼簨浠崗鐫?璁叉満锛屽績閮芥彁鍒颁簡鍡撳瓙鐪笺?鍏ㄤ笘鐣岄兘鍏虫敞鐫?繖涓?埢鍛紒鏀跺競鐨勯挓澹版暡鍝嶏紝鍚勫瀵硅鏈轰紶鏉ワ集锛0锛屽紑涓氱殑绗竴澶╄幏寰楄緣鐓岀殑鎴愬姛锛岄倱涓?緣浠栦滑婵?姩寰楁嫢鎶卞湪涓?捣锛屾祦涓嬩簡鍠滄偊鐨勭儹娉?浠庢锛岄倱涓?緣琚汉浠獕涓?amp;quot;鐢佃剳濂囦汉"銆?amp;quot;璇佸埜浜ゆ槗缃戠粶绯荤粺鐨勬?璁捐甯?amp;quot;銆?amp;quot;涓浗鐢佃剳缃戠粶绯荤粺闆嗘垚鐨勫紑鍒涜?"銆?br />
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