Monday, October 25, 2010

Nine ways to recruit good staff

Enterprises can take advantage of the following nine ways to recruit quality staff.

1, internal recommendations. This is one of the methods commonly used in business, but pay attention to the internal referral program you can effectively encourage the involvement of employees.

2, join professional associations. These organizations can help you reach the industry's top talent.

3, each of you come across as a potential recruitment professionals are Object, you may find in them can be used by your company personnel.

4, in the geographic characteristics or climate characteristics and similar places where your company to recruit from. Some candidates are willing to move to live with his current living environment where little difference.

5, the big companies "get started." If the local large companies have had a strategic retrenchment, lay-offs among these may be the person you need them.

6, to hear the views of providers.浣滀负鏈嶅姟浜庝綘鍏徃鎵?湪琛屼笟鐨勪緵搴斿晢锛屼粬浠墜涓殑浜鸿剦璧勬簮涔熸槸浣犱笉鍙拷瑙嗙殑銆?br />
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